Export plastic products to Tanzania

Export plastic products to Tanzania TZS 1878

Export plastic products to Tanzania Market The household plastic ware shall be made from natural or pigmented plastic materials. Plastic materials, which can be used for the manufacture of the household plastic wares, are poly methyl metha crylate, poly carbonate, polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, phenolic, PET and melamine formaldehyde molding compounds. The material may contain additives…

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SASO certificate شهادة ساسو

SASO Certificate

SASO Certificate SASO Certificate is related to The Saudi organization for standardization metrology and quality which is considered as one of the most important national bodies which aims to achieve the regional leadership in the fields of conformity assessment and standardization and raise the level of products quality to enhance consumer protection, raise the competitiveness…

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saber certificate

Your guide to issue Saber Certificate

Saber certificate Saber certificate is an online certificate issued via saber platform for the regulated and non-regulated products against the Saudi technical regulation issued by SASO, it is mandatory for all types of products to access the Saudi market, without this certificate you will not be able to clear your product at Saudi Customs. Types…

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